So my hair Survived!

few days before my sister's wedding:)

 So my hair was this Close to losing its texture involuntarily coz of my sister's wedding but thank goodness for weaves ! it survived ....and i ended up with this.......

at the wedding!
and now 3 weeks after the wedding am seriously contemplating on voluntarily texturizing it... i know! i know! right now my mind keeps screaming at me "you cant do that after all you've said!"
but the same mind is already stuck on doing it so ill end up doing it anyways...been planning on chopping it off next so might as well play around with it before i get rid of it:)

My sister , The most lovely Bride!!

My older sister just got married , she may not be so bigger than me but where am from, the fact that she is now a married woman , the gap has been pushed way up . I must say I am most proud of her because i have come to see the woman she has matured and grown into , and above all a mighty woman of God of which Her husband has had a whole lot to do with this woman she has become , a great example she has set for me i must say , I love her so dearly and thank the lord for her , who knew we would go from fighting over who rinses or dries the dishes or get caught drinking one of younger sister's milk and get a really good beating from mum for it, ah! what precious memories, and here we are today, all thanks to God!!......... these are a few pictures from the day of the wedding,  she's the most lovely bride i have ever seen not just from the outside , her beauty comes from the inside and rightly radiates on the outside xxx

getting preped!