Finding Fulfillment (Modifying My Mindset)

word borrowed from Treena Reed 

"Along the way I've searched for fulfillment in all the wrong places. I've looked for it in my relationships with my family, my coworkers, my friends, boyfriends; I've sought it by expanding my knowledge, by reading, by traveling, by studying; I've hunted for it in my job, volunteer opportunities, service, and other noble pursuits. I've searched for fulfillment in all these good things, but the one place I failed to look was the one true place it can be found—in a rich, full relationship with God.

I desire to live up to my potential; not the potential I or others see, but the potential God sees in me.

Unfortunately I have become self-sufficient, and too often this stubborn independence seeps into my relationship with God. I believe I can do it on my own, or maybe with a gentle nudge in the right direction, I can continue down the right path on my own. When the inevitable happens, and I find myself lost, I cry out again, “God show me the way so I can walk in it!” But I’ve learned that instead of asking Him to show me the way, I should ask Him to lead me in His way—walking by my side, holding my hand, and carrying me through the tough times.

So join me as I change my mindset and seek fulfillment in a rich, full relationship with God. Join me as I ask Him to walk with me, allowing His will to become fully develop in my life. Only then I can finally embrace and experience the joy of this journey—a journey overflowing with abundant fulfillment that comes from fully embracing God’s will and urgently pursuing an intimate relationship with Him.

Final Thought: Every attempt to find the fulfillment I so desperately sought outside of God left me looking for more, searching for answers, feeling empty and void. Every single attempt ended in disappointment and failure until I looked to God."

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