So i know i have been fussing so much about natural hair blah! blah! blah! and all that, so for a minute I had to stop and make it clear to myself what really my stance is on the matter, and it came down to this. sometimes i like my hair straightened and sometimes i like it rough and untamed in its natural state, on other days i like it weaved or braided but at the end of the day its not how i wear my hair that makes me more or less true to who I am , first as a child of God and secondly as an African. Wearing my hair straight doesnt mean I want to be white, or that am a fake or not proud of my ethnicity and wearing my hair curly doent make me more African than the other person. What matters most is what is on the insides as opposed to what is on the outside, it all comes down to the mindset , personal preference and a touch of variety maybe. But it is worthy to note that going around with natural hair takes a lot of courage and having a great sense of worth from within because it hasnt been considered the 'norm' for quite some time now especially were am from, and i must say its been a great experience for me. As for relaxers am still keeping away from them for my hair's health reasons and am happy to note that almost done growing out the front portion which i used to leave out when i did a weave, means i gotta sew everything in now. anywho that is that, how i wear my hair has no bearing on my spiritual, political , personality or ethnic consciousness. was starting to get sucked up in my own personal conflict in my mind. PHEW!

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