I will always pray for you.

Life will always bring us to a point where we will have to say goodbye, be it to loved ones, to people who have come to touch and change our lives in a way we would never have imagined, to people who become a part of our lives. Sometimes we know that we will definitely meet them again and sometimes we never know but Just to wonder. Its the process of life, a thing called change and it is inevitable, I have come to learn. It's not the easiest thing I have had to learn, but I did and got to appreciate it and understand that without a change of season there would be no growth.

This song is for the people and loved ones that I have had to say goodbye to or part with and go our separate ways, That I will always pray for you, that even though we may be far and apart you will always be in my heart. That even though we may never see each other or do that we will have nothing but good stories to tell, of how God has blessed us, And its my prayer that we don't part with heavy hearts or hard feelings, that the next time around we get to see each other it will be nothing but all smiles and excitement :-)

Calling all angels

Dark days are upon us evil and sadness all around, wherever you turn, be it on the news, social media, you hear of death and other tragedies; But fear not child of God, fear not! you child of the most high, nothing is new under the sun that God has not seen, he is the same God and he has promised to never leave or forsake us, he has assured us of his presence and protection , And he has given his angels charge over us, lest we dash our foot against unexpected situations. Walk in this assurance and sing with the angels because they are ever besides and before us, waiting for us to issue commands, why not call on the angels of our God and sing with them and praise God with them, for he is our protection, our guide and love, he is the strength of our life and the hope and assurance for our future.
If you say, "The LORD is my refuge," and you make the Most High your dwelling,no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:10-12
#PrayingforCharleston #BlackLivesMatter

About a woman who cuts her hair....

I'm very much aware of the fact that I can be a gutsy woman sometimes, and last weekend my gutsy self took a trip to the barber and salon, if you ask any African woman she will tell you that it takes a lot of guts to do what I did, even my Ghanaian barber had that to say about me , his first reaction when I told him what I wanted to be done was another question, "but why?" he asked, and after getting down to it he had to commend me for my guts, but the best comment was from the lady, who happened to be the salon manager and an excellent colorist, and she was spotting a teeny weeny hair cut as well, she quoted Coco Channel , "that a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life", not exactly that my going bald had anything to do with anticipated major changes in my life but I still like the idea of welcoming big changes in my life on a crazy and bald-bold fiery note, like that of chopping off alla your hair and coloring it hot red, it's crazy I know and I just did it, these are the moments I look back on a year or two back and get to think "wow"  and these are the moments I'm made up of and will one day get to tell my kids that once upon a time I was a red head, a bald red head ... hahaha!