Twenty fourteen, Looking back at this year I cant help but smile from ear to ear, it's been a journey of faith to faith. Its not to early to do a reflection on the year's events and happenings right?! besides its only 16 days till Christmas and 21 days till the year wraps up, what's that they say about the early bird? Haha .. I'm not actually sure if it applies to this case. Back to the heart of the matter, Someone once said that music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent, this year for me has been a year that has been marked by a lot of challenges, Iv fallen in love ( yes with a man lol) , I have cried and laughed and I have been happy and sad and excited and disappointed and proud of myself and others; the list goes on. Throughout all these experiences there has been moments when only music could express what was within that words could not express or describe. So I thought as I get close to wrapping up the year I could look back on what songs/ music I have listened to so much that inspired me, encouraged me or simply just expressed my inner feelings etc. and here it goes;
1. You make me brave - Bethel music
When I first saw the promo to the album it was a rush of goose bumps all over my skin, I was so excited and just awed because the spoken word in the album promo totally resonated with my spirit and spoke into my life situation at that moment. And instantly the entire album became my life story at that particular time.
I was in a place where I needed to make a major decision of starting TAFE (college as we know it) in a few months, my biggest fear which was fanned by the people around me was, "will I be able to afford". At that time raising A$6,500 on a part time job working few hours a week to cover my tuition for the semester seemed like a very intimidating huge mountain. I had thoughts to myself "will I make it, what if I spend so much money and later fail to meet my ongoing financial obligation, I'm I making the right decision?" To couple it up I had to face other personal and emotional challenges that at one point I felt so crippled and paralysed by the predicaments I was faced with. And that was around the time that Bethel music released brave. What timing, I believe it was orchestrated by God. You make me brave has truly been a message of courage, faith and victory in the past couple of months for me. It was an exciting, daring challenge to take those bold steps even whilst still feeling the fear and the uncertainty, it was a reminder of the things God has spoken to me through his word, "that I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you my child" and that I could take him at his word as I took steps of bravery and courage in the face of the storm and that in Christ there's really no such a thing as falling and failing cause you are landing into him. #HeMakesMeBrave :-)
2. Cliff Notes Ep - Natalie Lauren This is how Natalie describes her album ..... "I wanted to write stories on love but not the love we hear about often...Love is Hard & Hardly ever a fairytale. Love is not a one night stand or just some random cut buddy. I think we've forgotten exactly what love is or never really learned. All of our stories are different but love, though hard at times, it is a gift from God to be experienced & enjoyed as he has designed!
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8"
This extended play by Natalie Lauren formerly known as 'Suzy Rock' came in towards the end of the year. This album is so simple and it was absolutely free but yet gold, I say its every Christian girl's dream of music to express the different sides of life and love, we all know that its not always plain sailing and it is not all the times that you want to sing hallelujah about it! sometimes you just want to whine about it, cry a river and at the same time not wander off into being vain and faithless, let's just say for a while I was over the songs that went like "oh I'll never love again or how do I breathe etc." Like seriously! I may be hurting but its not the end of the world, yes, sometimes you just want to pour out the exact emotions from your heart as they are but you dont want to forget that weeping may only last for a night but Joy comes in the morning, there is always healing on the other side, you will move on and grow. Cliff notes has been that breathe of fresh air that I had been longing and looking for. This year for me came with a twist of it's own on the matters of the heart. Let's just say it has been beautiful and perfect but the timing and setting was wrong and could just NEVER be! looking back I smile and I'm grateful, sometimes I shed tears too but I'm healing too and my joy is still full . "Sometimes we get buried in the debris of what was not realizing sometimes Starting from Scratch is best!" #Cliffnotes
3. The Undoing - Steffany Gretzinger she's one of Bethel music's worship leaders and her solo album came right after the group album 'You make me brave'. This is not an album review but I felt in every sense that this album was more steffany and the minute hear it you don't relate it to bethel music ad a whole, it's very intimate and very personal and it's what I love about it. "What does it look like to worship in the process of growth, love, pain, healing? The Undoing is Steffany's whole-hearted response to this question and the journey it beckons, resulting in 11 lyrically-rich tracks bearing honest lyrics, fresh melodies and unique instrumentation. Some songs began in spontaneous worship, others began as personal prayers or were written for friends. The Undoing invites listeners to embrace not so much the destinations we reach with God, but the many processes we walk out in this life with Him: the crucial moments along the way. It is from this place that Steffany has translated her experiences and passion into songs that are meant to last. "
This album for me has been avenue for me to express my vulnerability and be open with God. Its been also a reminder that God knows what things I have to go through and that I have to face life everyday and that each new day comes with different situations and challenges, and that I will not always get it right and its okay, its not Just the destination or the outcome but the journey is more important itself. The process has a purpose and it is were the learning happens, Not that he wants me to get stuck in the same things or remain in the same place no, but for me to be able to learn and grow and become that person he has made me to be. I know I might not be there yet but I no longer fuss at those things I am yet to achieve or become, I can be happy and content knowing that when he found me I was in a worse off state but that didn't put him off to pursue me and he's not about to stop now.