This song is for the people and loved ones that I have had to say goodbye to or part with and go our separate ways, That I will always pray for you, that even though we may be far and apart you will always be in my heart. That even though we may never see each other or do that we will have nothing but good stories to tell, of how God has blessed us, And its my prayer that we don't part with heavy hearts or hard feelings, that the next time around we get to see each other it will be nothing but all smiles and excitement :-)
I will always pray for you.
This song is for the people and loved ones that I have had to say goodbye to or part with and go our separate ways, That I will always pray for you, that even though we may be far and apart you will always be in my heart. That even though we may never see each other or do that we will have nothing but good stories to tell, of how God has blessed us, And its my prayer that we don't part with heavy hearts or hard feelings, that the next time around we get to see each other it will be nothing but all smiles and excitement :-)
Calling all angels
Dark days are upon us evil and sadness all around, wherever you turn, be it on the news, social media, you hear of death and other tragedies; But fear not child of God, fear not! you child of the most high, nothing is new under the sun that God has not seen, he is the same God and he has promised to never leave or forsake us, he has assured us of his presence and protection , And he has given his angels charge over us, lest we dash our foot against unexpected situations. Walk in this assurance and sing with the angels because they are ever besides and before us, waiting for us to issue commands, why not call on the angels of our God and sing with them and praise God with them, for he is our protection, our guide and love, he is the strength of our life and the hope and assurance for our future.
If you say, "The LORD is my refuge," and you make the Most High your dwelling,no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:10-12
#PrayingforCharleston #BlackLivesMatter
About a woman who cuts her hair....

Africa rise up!
I've been dancing to this song lately, it is songs like this that fire up my love and passion for my motherland, I'm so full and rich with visions and dreams for this land.... I may not change the entire continent but I'll definitely leave my mark.
Hello....... *insert echo here*
Long time no blogging, been too busy doing life it didn't give me much of a chance to sit and write, so much has happened in the past weeks that if I had to recap it all it would take very long so Ill just give a few highlights, My niece and I celebrated our birthday, she turned two and cheeky and says things to me like "oh! for goodness aunty!" you can imagine my shocked looked the first time she said to me but eventually you get used to the cheekiness as it comes with a maximum dose of cuteness.... and as for me let's just say I got older:)
Even more exciting, is that after many months of deliberation and saving and many weeks of going to home opens, I finally moved into my own apartment, well the excitement has now faded but I just love having my own space and freedom, it was a journey and a leap of faith but it was all worth it:)
Other than that, mum and dad visited, my sister had baby number 2 and my other sister just tied the knot in an intimitate small backyard ceremony witnessed by a hand full of family and friends. Let's just say that I am blessed with an amazing family, both here and back home and I pray I never take that for granted.
Even more exciting, is that after many months of deliberation and saving and many weeks of going to home opens, I finally moved into my own apartment, well the excitement has now faded but I just love having my own space and freedom, it was a journey and a leap of faith but it was all worth it:)
Other than that, mum and dad visited, my sister had baby number 2 and my other sister just tied the knot in an intimitate small backyard ceremony witnessed by a hand full of family and friends. Let's just say that I am blessed with an amazing family, both here and back home and I pray I never take that for granted.
Facing giants.
Last week Perth woke up to two giants roaming the streets, the highly anticipated gigantic friends were marionettes from the Royal de luxe street theatre company in France, They visited the city as part of the Perth International arts festival and ANZAC centenary at a whooping cost of $5m. These giants were just absolutely amazing and cool, and I think I was even a little bit more excited than the kids in the city were! Just the sheer massiveness of their size and life like character was very fascinating, It's no wonder people thronged the streets of Perth to maximum capacity.
Now these giants made me think for a minute, of how we may face different "giants" in our daily walk of life at one point or another, but that no matter how huge the giant may seem at that time, the moment you keep your focus on God on the Inside of, the giant shrinks to nothing and in that moment you can do all things and overcome anything! :-)
"You are of God, little children and have overcome them; because greater is he who is in you
than he that is in the world"
1 John 4: 4
Whatever giants you have to face, you're much bigger than them and your victory lies within you!
Go slay Em giants ... lol
meditation: The faith walk
Hebrews 11:1 AMP
NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
Faith is not an irrational leap into the dark but a leap on the word of God. Faith is what give substance to our hope and dreams, faith gives us every reason to call real those things that can't be perceived by human senses, faith is a spiritual law, it's the human spirit's response to the word of God, it's more than believing ; it's the corresponding action to one's believing.
"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
Corrie ten Boom"
NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
Faith is not an irrational leap into the dark but a leap on the word of God. Faith is what give substance to our hope and dreams, faith gives us every reason to call real those things that can't be perceived by human senses, faith is a spiritual law, it's the human spirit's response to the word of God, it's more than believing ; it's the corresponding action to one's believing.
"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
Corrie ten Boom"